Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Joy of Two

I love this picture because Eli asked me if Madilynn could sit next to him while he watched Sesame Street.  She was perfectly content being right next to him on the couch. 

I recently wrote a small blessing for a friends baby shower about having two kids. I wanted to post some of my thoughts on this while I'm six months into having two....

Having one child is difficult. Or maybe having one child that is Eli is difficult. I’m not really sure. I’m sure everyone has a different opinion about whether a transition to one or one to two is more difficult. For me, being at home all day with a very energetic little boy and figuring out what to do with him is pretty challenging and I knew what he needed was a sibling. Thankfully, God gave us Madilynn only 21 months later.  I really feel like one of the best gifts you can give your child is a sibling. Someone in which they have to learn to love, to play with, to share with, to communicate with, and to be a part of a family with. Teaching the gospel to Eli has now opened lots of new doors now that Madilynn has entered his world. Even though I have already found him spitting juice in her hair, attempting to cut her hair with scissors, growling at her, laying on top of her, I have also found him, kissing her, making her laugh, singing to her and sharing his favorite toy Donkey with her. I have already tried to teach him about respect, love, patience and self control all in the short 6 months she has been alive. 

Of course there are some challenges of having two. How do you fit two kids and all your groceries in the cart?  How do you fit two car seats and all the accessories in a 5 passenger car? How do you get them both on similar nap schedules? Why does one cry and always wake up the other? Even more Laundry? What about getting your groceries from the car to inside the house, really? I have NOT figured this one out.
For me the transition from one to two has been a joy. I love having two! And it has already provided minutes of entertainment for Eli. 

Daily my prayer has become, give me patience and creativity to teach, entertain, and love Eli and Madilynn. May the Lord make his face shine upon us and be gracious to us; may he turn his face toward us and give me peace in our home each day as I am with them. 

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